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[d͡ʒɒb] n
gen. posao; rad; zadatak; dužnost; zaposlenje; nameštenje; ubod; udarac
comp., MS posao (A specified amount of processing performed as a unit by a computer)
inf. krađa; mesto; misija; poziv; služba; specijalnost; špekulacija; transakcija; zanat; zanimanje
IT pojedinačna obrada podataka u računaru
law biznis; karijera
tech. radni komad; obrada; predmetna obrada
radno mesto job [d͡ʒɒb] n
econ. posao
jobs [dʒɒbz] n
tech. operacije na mašinama
job [ʤɔb] v
gen. guliti; lihvariti; mešetariti; baviti se mračnim poslovima; unajmljivati i iznajmljivati; preprodavati; udariti; bosti; ubosti; probosti; izbosti; kljucnuti; kvrcnuti; udarati
busin. posredovati
econ. trgovati akcijama
inf. kupovati i prodavati hartije od vrednosti; trgovati deonicama; zelenašiti; zloupotrebljavati položaj
law baviti se mutnim poslovima; iznajmiti
slang udariti pesnicom; fizički napasti (Stop shouting at me, or I'll job you! — Prestani da vičeš na mene, udariću te!)
job [ʤɔb] adj.
inf. nečastan posao; pljačka; mutan posao; radni zadatak; radno mesto; upražnjeno mesto
 English thesaurus
JOB [ʤɔb] abbr.
abbr. Just Out Of Bondage; Jump Out Of Bed; Job Opportunity Bank; Journey Of The Broke
abbr., ed. Just Outstanding Books
abbr., file.ext. Job object
abbr., inet. Just Over Broke
abbr., IT Job object
abbr., mil. Japanese Ocean Bomb
abbr., mil., avia. joint operations board
abbr., scottish Joint Operations Bureau (Sri Lankan armed forces)
abbr., st.exch. General Employment Enterprises
JOBS abbr.
abbr. Jobs Opportunities And Basic Skills; Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits, And Stability; Jumpstart Our Business Strength Act; Job Opportunities in the Business Sector
abbr., mil., avia. job opportunities in the business center
abbr., scient. Job Opportunities And Business Support
JOB [ʤɔb] abbr.
abbr., busin. journal day book
abbr., oil joint operating body
: 574 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Austrian usage1
Information technology4
Mechanic engineering3
Non-governmental organizations1
Oil / petroleum22

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